DisciplinesArchitecture, Engineering
South Bend, Indiana
ClientUniversity of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame selected Diekema Hamann to help re-purpose Crowley Hall – a building built in the late 1800s and situated in the historic core of campus– from a Music Department to an Applied Computational Mathematics & Statistics Department. The partial renovation of approximately 10,800 GSF included the addition of several faculty offices, graduate student rooms, a common seminar room with breakout spaces, and other support spaces. The project removed several existing barriers to allow for compliance with 2010 ADA Standards, including the addition of a new accessible entrance. The total construction cost came in at $944,000 for this significant renovation. Diekema Hamman worked closely with the owner and the construction manager to ensure the success of this challenging renovation project and, at closeout, the project had less than a 1% increase on the contract sum due to change orders.
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